In Case You're Wondering
In case you've been wondering, yes I am too young to sign up to most things like PayPal, Success University, affiliate networks, etc, and that's where my mum (Ursula) fits in. She puts everything in her name.
I do most of the work and she collects the money, of course I charge a commission of what I make ;)
And that's why some of the links I recommend have "urs-gav" at the start, i.e. and
Anyway I thought I'd just let you that everything is legal in case you were wondering.
The Young Marketer
MLM Success Secrets
Free MLM Articles
I do most of the work and she collects the money, of course I charge a commission of what I make ;)
And that's why some of the links I recommend have "urs-gav" at the start, i.e. and
Anyway I thought I'd just let you that everything is legal in case you were wondering.
The Young Marketer
MLM Success Secrets
Free MLM Articles